Hi! I’m Beatrice, a student who loves creating in the intersection of arts and technology. Right now I’m doing that at Brown University, studying Computer Science and Modern Culture & Media.
drawing of beatrice About Me
Virtual Reality for Data Visualization - Spring 2022
VR Piano Visualizer
Piano MIDI videos are all over YouTube, but how can piano visualizers show more than just what notes to hit?
virtual reality piano application
Fall 2022
ScreenMusings : A Redesign
I love you, but have you considered...?
redesign of screenmusings website
Intro to Computer Vision - Spring 2021
Image to LaTex
Oh, if only converting handwritten math equations into LaTex markup language was as easy as $1, 2, 3 \dots$
handwritten math equation
Intro to Software Engineering - Spring 2022
Obstacles. Questions. OctoQuiz! If you thought preparing for your test was hard enough, try answering questions and avoiding obstacles at the same time!

I created the Create Game page. Check it out!
octoquiz questions input page
Digital Worlding - Fall 2021
Descent : A Sea Exploration Game
What does it mean to find mutual understanding with the completely alien? As a capsule recently descended into a caldera, explore your new surroundings and meet the creatures that lie below!
descent screenshot
Short Film 2022
Flashes and explosive meditations in an experimental short film.
still from thunderstruck short film
Short Film 2022
Growing Up
A loose capturing of my childhood through 23 various films.
still from Growing Up short film
Short Film 2022
Dear Boston
, I'll visit you again soon.
still from Dear Boston short film
Be in touch soon?
Thanks for stopping by! I’m happy to chat about anything (especially movies, cool projects, and work opportunities!).